The Amazing Spider-Man 2 catches a lot of flack. And some of it is definitely for good reason, but upon a rewatch, you can ...
After Sam Raimi's efforts to make a fourth Tobey Maguire Spider-Man movie fell apart, Sony rebooted the franchise with the "Amazing Spider-Man" movies, directed by Marc Webb and starring Andrew ...
Learn more Unlike films featuring other Marvel characters, movies starring Spider-Man aren't all available to watch together on Disney Plus. Instead, they're spread across multiple streaming ...
In fact, my ideal Spider-Man movie would be a Sinister Six story. I know we were supposed to get something like that after The Amazing Spider-Man 2, but that never transpired. Still, how cool ...
Amazing Spider-Man is currently in the midst of The 8 Deaths of Spider-Man, but shortly after Peter Parker dies his last death and is reborn as the Spider-Naut in March's Amazing Spider-Man #70 ...
Rumors have also circulated online that Garfield will be reuniting with his “Silence” director Martin Scorsese to play Jesus in a new movie ... 2014’s “Amazing Spider-Man 2 ...