The Heritage Foundation’s plan for a potential Trump second term has little time for schemes to suck carbon dioxide out of ...
Summit Carbon Solutions says pipeline through Iowa and four other states will reduce ethanol's CO2 footprint. But it won't ...
The tech has legitimate critics, but the Heritage Foundation still clings to debunked claims about the reality of climate ...
Some version of “back to the land” has to be part of our climate solution: more people farming again and putting carbon into ...
If cement was a country, it would have the third-highest carbon emissions on earth. Decarbonizing the foundation of modern civilization is no trivial task.
The research team’s goal is to better understand how eelgrass, a type of seagrass prevalent in New England, absorbs carbon ...
A company proposing an $8 billion carbon dioxide pipeline says the project would be good for the environment. The claim is ...
Letter writer pushes back at recent criticism of Gov. Hochul's openness to adding nuclear generation to the state's energy ...
What if the chemical that makes your jeans bluer could help make carbon capture greener? Over the past few years, Yayuan Liu, ...
Plants have the amazing ability to fix carbon from the atmosphere and store it in their structures. This process, known as carbon fixation, is fundamental for life on Earth. It forms the basis of ...
There has been public backlash against the controversial technique, known as ocean iron fertilisation, in the past.
Participating ethanol plants could still emit about 7 million metric tons of additional carbon dioxide annually.