Khartoum is adept at manipulating the unwieldy mix of factions. The Darfur Peace Agreement (DPA), brokered in 2006 by then deputy secretary of state Robert Zoellick but signed by only one of the ...
"We are gravely concerned with the RSF’s ongoing attacks on the Zamzam IDP camp in Northern Darfur and reports militias ...
As WWP’s Dr. Braudo-Bahat affirmed, “people in Northern Ireland don’t like each other, but they don’t kill each other.” ...
Outside Darfur, support for the RSF is limited ... Over the past two decades, both groups have signed a number of peace agreements in the hope of accessing state resources and accumulating ...
In Darfur, the U.N. has sought to place most of ... small force of military observers to monitor the April 2004 ceasefire agreement between the Sudanese government and two Darfurian rebel groups.
Former special representative of the secretary-general and head of the United Nations Mission in Darfur, Professor Ibrahim ...
The bloodletting stoked fears that Darfur, scene of a vicious war in the 2000s, could slide back into conflict and raised questions over the government’s efforts to implement a peace deal and ...
Sudan’s envoy, Al-Harith Idriss al-Harith Mohamed, criticized Kenya for allowing the signing of the RSF’s charter in its ...
According to the text of the charter, the signatories agreed that Sudan should be a "secular, democratic, non-centralized ...