Haiti lies in a state of suspended animation. The presidential runoff election has been postponed. The way forward is uncertain. But one thing is clear: President Michel Martelly must step down ...
He is the brother-in-law of former Haitian President Michel Martelly, who brought Moïse out of political obscurity and chose him as his successor. Martelly, who is considering running for ...
Haitian President Michel Martelly (R) and Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe have recently been targeted by sanctions for alleged gang ties. Seen here attending a funeral in 2014. Crédito ...
Several high-profile Haitian politicians trying to find ... the head of former President Michel Martelly’s PHTK political party and one-time supporters of ex-prime minister Ariel Henry.
The United States' Treasury Department Tuesday imposed a series of sanctions on former Haitian President Michel Joseph Martelly (2011-2016) for allegedly abusing his influence to facilitate drug ...
Haiti last held elections in 2016 ... came after the two leaders and the head of former President Michel Martelly’s PHTK political party ignited a political firestorm after they included ...
Leslie Voltaire, president of Haiti’s Transitional Presidential Council (CPT), announced that the state will take legal action against political, economic, and social figures sanctioned by the ...
Global Village marks February birthdays of two members of the English Beat - Dave Wakling and Ranking Roger. We’ll also hear ...