Although quantum processors exist today, they are still a long way off from becoming practical replacements for classical computers. This is due to many practical considerations, not the least of ...
The forthcoming IBM iDataPlex dx360 M3 systems will be equipped with a pair of Nvidia’s Tesla M2050 GPUs to go along with a dual-CPU configuration, according to Sumit Gupta, senior manager ...
IBM’s stock is up 20% in the last seven months. Astonishingly, those who regard IBM as a pure AI giant do not see this trend. IBM, despite being a tech giant, isn't considered the most ...
For over 50 years, the semiconductor industry has relied on the Tomasulo algorithm, introduced by IBM in 1967, to build specialized CPUs, GPUs, and other chips tailored to specific computing tasks.
IBM unleashed a slew of new products at IBM Think 2024 today—from its new generative AI tool IBM Concert to watsonx AI assistants, along with several new offerings with Nvidia, AWS and more.