During a Feb. 24 telephone call from Russian President Vladimir Putin to China’s President Xi Jinping, Mr. Xi reiterated ...
Radio Moscow had this comment. Radio Moscow: "The Soviet Union has warned China, they reserve the rights to take any 5:36 steps necessary, unless China ensures the right and of public citizens." ...
Former U.S. President Richard Nixon famously reconciled with China's Communist leader Mao Zedong in a process that shut out ...
The Taiwan Daily News (台灣日日新報), however, reported that the attackers missed their targets and hit residential areas in Taipei ...
"The Sino-Russian relationship is probably best ... America and Britain were part of the Grand Alliance with the Soviet Union, in which Russia and the Western Allies waged parallel and mostly ...
The Sino-Soviet border dispute proves that a show of force is unlikely to deter the Chinese. China did not bend even during domestic strife or when the Soviet Union hinted at nuclear strikes.
The Chinese Prime Minister, Mr. Chou En-lai, has predicted that Soviet-American rivalry is bound to lead to a third world war.
Xi has reportedly accepted Russia's invitation to attend the annual celebration of the Soviet Union's victory over ... celebrations marking the end of the Sino-Japanese War in September.