Reports have been circulating of the decision by Oracle to lay off a significant portion of the staff behind its Solaris operating system and SPARC ... the signature of Sun Microsystems, the ...
Sun, of Santa Clara ... aware applications to be deployed on top of a single instance of the Solaris operating system in such a way that a disruption in service with one application does not ...
The operating system was Sun’s brand of Unix, Solaris, now owned by Oracle. Sun’s big competitor for a while was Apollo. We’d point out that if all you want is to run Solaris, you don’t ...
It's based on Sun Microsystems' Solaris, and came about when the company was trying to open-source its enterprise server OS ...
Sun president Ed Zander at a press conference said Solaris is still the number one operating system for enterprise customers but the company is responding to customer demand for Linux solutions ...