In the Netflix show, Thanos is played by former BigBang rapper T.O.P (Choi Seung-hyun). T.O.P's casting was a big controversy in South Korea based on T.O.P's past legal issues but Squid Game boss ...
Season 2's purple-coifed, mid-talent hooligan is a masterful portrayal by T.O.P., a Korean pop star in comeback mode ...
Following is a transcript of the video. Narrator: As far as supervillains go, Thanos is, well, not very bright. Say what you will about Doc Oc, Syndrome, or Lex Luthor, at least they put ...
And yes, we're 100 percent talking about Thanos. Not not *that* one from the MCU. Ready to meet the rapper that is causing his own kind of chaos? Here's everything you need to know about Thanos in ...
Fans and critics are raving about a new player in "Squid Game" season two, Thanos. Thanos is a rapper who seems to delight in ...
The first one made the news as the Thanos snap feature ... Cupertino has also removed the Carousel from the Photos app and ...