A timeline of events leading up to and surrounding ... becoming the first American casualty of the Vietnam War. Following a breakdown in negotiations, Ho Chi Minh's Vietminh forces begin a war ...
By March, 1965, the first U.S. combat troops had touched down on Vietnamese soil, with thousands more on their way. The war would not end until 1975 with Hanoi unifying the whole of Vietnam.
The VIETNAM WAR, an undeclared war in Southeast Asia in which the U.S. was engaged from 5 Aug. 1964 until signing a peace agreement in Jan. 1973, affected Clevelanders much as it did other Americans.
World War II ends. Allied powers must decide how to deal with Ho Chi Minh's nationalist movement in Vietnam, which has expelled the Japanese. France goes to war to regain its former colony ...
For many Americans, especially those born after the Vietnam War ended in 1975, images of that cataclysmic and controversial conflict were forged by Hollywood: "Apocalypse Now." "The Deer Hunter." ...
Vietnam had been a French colony close colonyA country, state or territory ruled over by another country, state or territory. before it was occupied by the Japanese during World War Two.