A superhero film series based on the Marvel Comics character Spider-Man. The series is centered on Peter Parker, a teenager struggling to find his place in life ever since his parents disappeared ...
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 catches a lot of flack. And some of it is definitely for good reason, but upon a rewatch, you can ...
More than 12 years ago, audiences witnessed Andrew Garfield take on the role of the friendly neighborhood hero for the very first time. However, just two years after that, his franchise came to a ...
Although Disney-owned Marvel has spent considerable time and money in the last several years consolidating the movie and TV rights to its various superhero characters, the onscreen adventures of ...
The stumbles of Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014) killed those hopes, and Sony had to pivot to the greater opportunity of rebooting Spider-Man within the MCU, with a new actor in the role.