Jean-Charles Sanchez, PhD. Head of the Translational Biomarker Group ...
Professor Sebastian Raisch was presented the Best Reviewer Award from the Academy of Management Journal for his significant ...
A UNIGE team has discovered the genetic programmes that allow motor neurons to retract from the spinal cord. This discovery ...
Christian Van Delden est originaire de Gronau, en Allemagne. Il a fait ses études de médecine à Genève et obtient son diplôme en 1998, puis son doctorat en 1993. Il se spécialise en médecine interne ...
The research group is structured around two axes in neurobiology a) fundamental research and b) translational research. It integrates the skills of researchers in biology, biochemistry and chemistry, ...
Christophe Combescure, PhD. Biostatistician Antoine Poncet, MS. Biostatitician Jean Terrier, MD. Research fellow Pauline Gosselin, PhD. Clinical research coordinator Tamara Mann, RN. Clinical research ...
III) new approaches or anti-Gram negative treatments (such as phages). We apply a broad range of cutting-edge technologies and analytical approaches, including whole bacterial genome sequencing with ...
L'objectif du projet est de développer une chaussure intelligente pour les patients diabétiques dans un but de prévenir les amputations des membres inférieurs. Le but est de décharger la zone du pied ...
Pérince Fonton actuellement Doctorant en Global Health à la faculté de médecine de Genève , est titulaire à la fois d’un diplôme en Biologie médicale et d’un master en Biostatistiques. Il rejoint le ...
The GpG collaborates with the division of Clinical Pharmacology for the design of pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic studies of antiplatelet drugs, the study of in-vitro ...
Welcome sessions for students of the Master's programs also took place during this first week, while the first week of the ...
For these reasons, we turned to mice where the LC consists of only about 3,000 neurons, but these neurons can still exert a ...