"We found that some comets in the inner Oort cloud form a long-lasting spiral structure." Spirals are a repeating theme in ...
In March the bright winter constellations of Canis Major, Canis Minor, Orion, Gemini, Taurus and Auriga fill the southern sky stretching all the way to zenith — the point directly overhead. Directly ...
Most of the long-period comets in the Solar System come from the outer Oort Cloud. The inner region is much more stable. It's ...
This vast expanse, stretching from thousands to hundreds of thousands of Astronomical Units, is home to the remnants of our solar system's formation. Icy leftovers, dwarf planets, and the ...
The inner Oort cloud, between 1,000 and 10,000 AU from the sun, displays a spiral formation with arms that extend 15,000 AU.
An international research team led by the University of Vienna has discovered that the Solar System traversed the Orion ...
So what will all this galactic ... the first Milky Way/Andromeda close encounter. However, if this were not true, and provided that Earth wasn’t dislodged from the solar system itself, even ...
If there were such a thing as a photo album of the universe, it might include snapshots of pancake-like disks of gas and dust ...
Using a NASA supercomputer to run models, researchers led by SwRI astronomer David Nesvorny now believe that the Inner Oort cloud looks like a spiral disk, around 0.24 light-years across, with two ...
The discovery of new exoplanets can help scientists understand how planets form and evolve. Scientists from UNSW Sydney have located a potential new exoplanet -- a planet that orbits a star outside of ...
With the stresses on planet Earth in the headlines, at work and your day-to-day life, do you need a reminder that we’re just a speck on a dot in the endless vacuum of space? If so, ...