The most common variation in iris anatomy is a condition called aniridia ... Pupillary responses. Broadway DC. How to test for a relative afferent pupillary defect (RAPD). Community Eye Health.
The incus sits between the other two bones, known as ossicles, of the middle ear. The malleus (“hammer”) is the outermost bone and the stapes (“stirrup”) is the innermost. The ossicles are part of the ...
In the first week of October each year, the recipients of the Nobel Prizes in Physiology or Medicine, Physics, Chemistry, Literature and Peace are announced, as Alfred Nobel stated in his will. First ...
SMU and the Children’s Health Andrews Institute have launched a collaboration dedicated to improving the health, activity levels, and well-being of kids.
This course provides a comprehensive study of the anatomy and physiology of the human body. Topics include body organization, homeostasis, cytology, histology, and the integumentary, skeletal, ...
Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate a basic understanding of the fundamental principles of anatomy and physiology and their interrelationships. Students will also learn academic ...