A superhero film series produced by Marvel Studios based on the Marvel Comics superhero team of the same name, and part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). The series features an ensemble cast ...
Avengers: Endgame opens in Hong Kong on April ... We’re not suggesting anyone try to watch all 21 movies before they see the latest, but if you do feel you need a reminder of some of what ...
A new rumour claims to lay out Marvel Studios' plan for the Mutant Saga, including what's in store for the X-Men, Fantastic ...
all have TV series scheduled to appear on new streaming service, Disney+. So don't spend too much time sobbing over the Avengers who didn't make it until the end of the movie. They're already ...
If you somehow failed to see Infinity War in theaters, on Blu-ray or on HBO by now, you absolutely need to stream it on Netflix. Even if you’ve never seen a Marvel film before this one.
The Marvel Cinematic Universe has rich narrative worthy of many fan theories, many of which completely change how The ...
Given the expected scale of Avengers: Secret Wars, it may not be enough to just watch the films of the Multiverse Saga to prepare. At this point in time, we can’t dismiss the idea that it will ...
So, what are you waiting for? Hop to it! Avengers 5 was expected to begin shooting next January without The Fantastic Four's involvement, but the Russos has since said (via Collider) that it'll ...