Emergency and health officials disscused the need for nerve agent antidotes in marion county.at an emergency planning meeting ...
Bucillamine (N- (mercapto-2-methylpropionyl)-l-cysteine) has a well-known safety profile and is prescribed in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis in Japan and South Korea for over 30 years.
Acephate, Diazinon, and Phosmet, are a few pesticides used locally, that contain a dangerous chemical called ...
Nerve agents are highly toxic regardless of the route of exposure. The main chemical nerve agents that are man-made and manufactured for use in chemical warfare are sarin, soman, tabun and VX.
Nerve agents are chemicals that affect the nervous system. Nerve agents are highly toxic regardless of the route of exposure. The main chemical nerve agents that are man-made and manufactured for use ...