The oval-shaped body belongs to a marine flatworm, a group of invertebrates that can range in color from see-through to neon and seemingly glide along the bottom with hairlike protrusions all over ...
You are probably referring to the land planarian, a.k.a. hammerhead worm, a soft, slimy, yellowish worm with black stripes down its body and an arrow-shaped head. This common nonnative flatworm ...
Since 1970, the International Symposia on Flatworm Biology (ISFBs) have been the premier event for discussing and disseminating the latest research on free-living flatworms, “Turbellaria”. These ...
Almeida et al. (2019: 62) Almeida AL, Marques FPL, Carbayo F (2019) ‘Endless forms most beautiful’: taxonomic revision of the planarian Geoplana vaginuloides (Darwin, 1844) and discovery of numerous ...
We are seeing planarian flatworms ever more frequently in the hobby, due in no small part to the rise in popularity of shrimps. However, few people seem to understand the warning signs associated with ...
When temperatures rise, the frog thaws and resumes normal activity as if it were never in a deep freeze. Black planarian flatworm crawling across the dead leaf of an aquatic plant. Image by EWTC via ...
Some species of hammerhead flatworm have a very pronounced hammer-shaped head, but the species we are finding here in Ohio, the Wandering Broadhead Planarian (Bipalium adventitium) and Three-Lined ...
The adult flatworm Schmidtea mediterranea contains stem cells that ... To address these questions, we here investigated the regulatory role and functional importance of AS in planarian stem cells and ...