Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was discharged from Lilavati Hospital after surgery on Tuesday. Upon returning to his Bandra residence, he waved to the media. The 'Hum Tum' actor appeared healthy as he ...
Khan's home was illuminated in celebration upon his return. According to India Today, Khan and his wife, actor Kareena Kapoor ...
Shariful allegedly entered Saif’s home and attacked him with a knife in the early hours of January 16. He was eventually ...
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Addressing the media, Abdullah said "I am against these things happening and I wish him well. If someone has come and attacked Saif Ali Khan, you can't blame a nation for one man's doings. How can you ...
Three days after Saif Ali Khan was stabbed, Bandra police recovered the final piece of the broken knife near Bandra Talao.
The police also summoned a rickshaw driver to the police station on Wednesday and questioned the accused regarding this driver. The rickshaw driver had seen the accused in the Bandra Lake area. As a ...
Bhajan Singh Rana, the auto-rickshaw driver who rushed Saif Ali Khan to the hospital after his attack, met the actor at his ...
Once in Kolkata, a third agent provided accommodation and procured a SIM card using fake documents. This same agent facilitated his travel to Mumbai in May 2024. After arriving in Mumbai, Shahzad met ...
Actor Saif Ali Khan met Bhajan Singh Rana, the rickshaw driver who saved his life, to personally thank him for his timely ...