Actor and comedian Russell Brand has been handed a fine after pleading guilty to speeding. The 49-year-old was caught driving his Mini at 95mph on the M4 on June 16 last year near Slough in Berkshire, ...
County council finance chiefs have drawn-up spending plans for 2025/26, that will include increasing council tax bills by 4.99 per cent ...
The Royal College of Physicians has published accounts from doctors on the front line talking about the crisis in NHS hospitals.
Mozambique’s main opposition leader has returned from self-imposed exile saying he still rejects the results of a disputed election last year that has sparked more than two months of protests and a ...
The TV presenter said he has lived in Herefordshire for 34 years and noticed that flooding in the area has ‘definitely got worse’.
MPs heard the Conservatives ‘mothballed’ part of the scheme after scrapping plans to build a high-speed line between Birmingham and Manchester.
NHS leaders have warned that the peak of the flu cycle has not yet hit, with February and March potentially worse for the health service.