DHL Supply Chain 사업부문은 기업 조직을 위한 맞춤형 솔루션을 제공합니다. DHL Supply Chain 이 고객을 위한 완벽한 아웃소싱 물류(3PL) 공급업체인 이유에 대해 알아보십시오.
DHL eCommerce offers the largest out-of-home (OOH) parcel network in Europe and celebrates the opening of the 100,000th location, located in Poland. Read on to find out more about the growing demand ...
최근 가장 주목 받고 있는 기술은 인공지능(AI)입니다. AI 기술은 다양한 산업에 빠르게 접목되고 있으며, 물류 산업에서도 혁신을 이끌고 있습니다. AI 기술이 물류 산업에 어떤 영향을 ...
Supercharge Your Success with DHL As your TikTok sales skyrocket, ensure your logistics can keep up. Don't let shipping delays hinder your online success. Open a DHL business account today and ...
The data will be processed primarily for the purpose of fulfilling a contract in accordance with Art. 6 (1) b) GDPR, as well as, on the basis of legitimate interest in accordance with Art. 6 (1) f) ...
Reduce your freight costs by packing your pallets neatly. Our new offering rewards well-packed pallets with lower rates for LTL shipments across Europe, while ensuring our reliable performance. Rely ...
El DHL Innovation Center de Oriente Medio y África (MEA) en Dubái es el primer espacio de colaboración de su especie, un edificio móvil y vanguardista de 450 m². Lo desarrollamos y lo trajimos a Dubái ...
Descubra cómo DHL está encabezando la innovación en logística y desarrollando las cadenas de suministro del futuro invirtiendo en liderazgo de opinión, incentivando el compromiso de los clientes, ...
助力跨境企业制定马来西亚市场进入策略的深度洞察 为希望向马来西亚出口商品的企业提供海关建议 正在寻找新的出口市场?别忘了把马来西亚加入你的清单——全球电商销售增长最快的国家 ...
Our Supply Chain division creates custom solutions for enterprise-sized organizations. Discover what makes DHL Supply Chain the perfect fit as your outsourced logistics provider (3PL). Our Supply ...
Snížte své náklady na přepravu tím, že pečlivě zabalíte své palety. Naše nová nabídka odměňuje správně zabalené palety nižšími cenami pro přepravu kusových zásilek po Evropě. Spolehněte se na naše ...
Flexible fulfillment: customers can scale up or down as needed Stock can be located in multiple locations globally, close to customers, allowing for efficient delivery Inventory levels and movements ...