As if their minds have been brainwashed to hate people of other race and religion … (Focus Malaysia) – HUMAN rights activist ...
The doors to negotiation are not closed, but it is the opposition that is closing them. If you wish to negotiate and discuss, ...
The June 2023 incident allegedly saw the tourism minister barging into the arrival hall to help a Chinese national who was ...
The Perlis State Fatwa Committee has officially declared the beliefs and teachings of Global Ikhwan Service and Business ...
High speed” has been the hallmark of the GRS government from the get-go. Selvaraja Somiah When Hajiji took over the reins of ...
A second wave of device explosions killed 20 people and wounded more than 450 others yesterday in Hezbollah strongholds in ...
Hamzah neither detailed which parts of the memorandum of understanding were problematic nor explained how it would harm the ...
All the religious leaders also agreed to make use of the national unity ministry’s mediation bureau to seek resolutions to ...
When a politician uses history to serve his political agenda, it is no more history but propaganda. (TMI) – DURIANS, ...
To break up the dominance of GPS in Sarawak is not as hard as one might think it is. the writer wishes to remain anonymous In ...
Perhaps he has forgotten that some politicians have mocked the decisions of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong and dragged the royal ...
The government’s draft memorandum of understanding (MoU) on opposition allocation was rejected by Perikatan Nasional (PN) ...