Past performance is no guarantee of future results. The returns referred to in the audio are those of representative indices and are not meant to depict the performance of a specific investment. There ...
Michael Cha, Executive Director Morgan Stanley Global Liquidity, discusses the latest messaging from the Federal Reserve about monetary policy, including interest rates, and the implications for short ...
Gross figure shown assumes reinvestment of all distributions and deduction of fund level costs, but does not reflect the deduction of any sales charge applicable at investor level. Net figure shown ...
The Morgan Stanley Global High Yield Strategy uses an active, value-oriented approach that seeks to maximize total returns from income and price appreciation by investing in a globally diversified ...
The fund may be impacted by movements in the exchange rates between the fund's currency and the currencies of the fund's investments. The value of bonds are likely to decrease if interest rates rise ...
The fund may be impacted by movements in the exchange rates between the fund's currency and the currencies of the fund's investments. The value of bonds are likely to decrease if interest rates rise ...