New Chronicles of Narnia film at Netflix will have a nationwide theatrical release, premiering in IMAX theaters. Greta Gerwig's star power influenced Netflix to break tradition and prioritize a ...
Netflix plans to release the first Narnia film in IMAX for two weeks before streaming, hinting at a long-term franchise. IMAX ...
For now, very little information is available about these new Greta Gerwig Chronicles of Narnia movie adaptations. We don’t know which parts of the series will get adapted or even in what format ...
However, angry theater owners (according, reportedly, at Regal and Cinemark) feel that a brief two-week run during one of the ...
She travels back and back into the wardrobe and finds a place named Narnia. After going in twice, the four children go in together for the last time. They battle wolves, meet talking animals ...
Like many readers of C.S. Lewis, I've dreamed about another opportunity to experience the magical world of Narnia come to ...
The fantasy classics have never been adapted in their totality to the big screen. The post Greta Gerwig might be planning to ...
Recently, we got a small but strange update on Greta Gerwig’s Chronicles of Narnia Netflix film. This new bit of information came from from producer Amy Pascal, who is working on the upcoming movie.