Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a manifestation of structural violence, the process through which societies ...
Looking for the name of Marcel Proust on search engines, it seems that the centenary of his death (1922) has gone unnoticed by medical doctors. Several essays on his illness have already been ...
Long-term smokers often have a chronic cough. They may get used to it, and perhaps also to being winded after climbing stairs.But there are good reasons to take these symptoms seriously, as they can ...
FDA 2025 pulmonology drug alerts, including drug approvals/warnings, vaccine approvals, and medical device recalls/updates.
Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Feels normal, right? Imagine if that breath carried invisible toxins, invisible yet powerful enough to weaken our body from inside? For millions of young people ...
This common practice for worship or celebrations in many Asian cultures could harm the health of you and your loved ones.
Children diagnosed with interstitial lung disease often survive into adulthood, when they are likely to need care for related impairments.
Among patients with stage IA non-small cell lung cancer, long-term survival was better with lobectomy or segmentectomy vs. wedge resection, according to results presented at the Society of Thoracic ...