In the Pokémon Go Legendary Flight event, the Kanto birds have returned for their Dynamax debut, but they won’t stick around ...
If you've ever fallen for counterfeit Pokémon cards don't feel too bad - these goofs are throwing money at a (skilled) ...
This list outlines what are 5 most wanted Mega Evolutions for the upcoming Nintendo Switch Title, Pokémon Legends: Z-A.
A's latest leak could point toward the series continuing a recent trend with the release of the Nintendo Switch 2.
Z-A was announced last year on Pokemon Day, fans were surprised to see it announced for Nintendo Switch. Many assumed that ...
Taken Over Team Rocket quest in Pokémon Go, including the Fashion Week: Taken Over quest steps and rewards listed.
There may not be many pure Steel-type Pokemon in the world, but when trained well, they can be a force to be reckoned with.
Pokemon's mainline titles have always been criticized for their lack of plot. With many games in focusing on the creatures and the franchise's formulaic objectives, the story often takes a backseat, ...
Something rare is happening in the skies in the next few days — a black moon. This rare celestial event is due to an unusual calendar alignment: two new moons in one month. The first occurred ...
Pokemon Go will be adding Black Kyurem and White Kyurem during Pokemon Go Tour: Unova, which will take place next month.
The retellings are back! Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon are the first pair of Pokémon retelling games, adding new legendary forms of Solgaleo and Lunala, more Ultra Beasts, and a bunch of post-game content.