In March the bright winter constellations of Canis Major, Canis Minor, Orion, Gemini, Taurus and Auriga fill the southern sky stretching all the way to zenith — the point directly overhead. Directly ...
The stars as seen from Earth would have looked dimmer 14 million years ago, as the solar system was in the middle of passing ...
"We found that some comets in the inner Oort cloud form a long-lasting spiral structure." Spirals are a repeating theme in ...
The disc of plasma surrounding the black hole at the heart of the Milky Way is constantly emitting flares both large and small.
Using a NASA supercomputer to run models, researchers led by SwRI astronomer David Nesvorny now believe that the Inner Oort cloud looks like a spiral disk, around 0.24 light-years across, with two ...
On Feb. 28, the one-day-old moon will pass in front of Mercury for observers in Australia and the south Pacific, and on March 1 the moon will make a close pass to Venus.
Our Solar System is in motion and cruises at about 200 kilometres per second relative to the center of the Milky Way. During ...
On a dark and clear night, the sky can seem filled with stars, some shining brighter than others. But a few of those bright ...
The stargazing hobby is seeing groups of folks viewing the night skies to unwind, destress & learn more. They're also waiting for the Planteary Parade. Life + Culture ...