The new animated Marvel show, Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, takes big swings without Tom Holland. Doing an animated ...
As the X-Men reboot gears up, the studio is rumoured to have initiated the casting process for the characters of Gambit and ...
The King of the Monsters is set to rampage through the Marvel Universe in 2025, beginning with March’s Godzilla vs. Fantastic ...
The American actress and producer Emma Stone has a net worth of $40 million according to Celebrity Net Worth.
What if Spider-Man showed up to a random baseball game you attended out of peer pressure? Just when you thought that your ...
This April will bring the first two issues of the newly relaunches Amazing Spider-Man #1 by Joe Kelly and Pepe Larraz. And no ...
Gerry Duggan and Giuseppe Camuncoli’s Godzilla Vs Hulk and Joe Kelly and Nick Bradshaw’s Godzilla Vs Spider-Man, arrive in ...
The Marvel Universe is filled with potential anti-heroes, that might not be all good, but they do exhibit great power for ...
Marvel Comics unabashedly loves anime and manga. The company has had frequent crossover partnerships with Shōnen Jump+. The ...
If a new rumour is to be believed, Hugh Jackman plans to stick around as Wolverine well into the Mutant Saga and could even ...
Even Marvel Studios makes mistakes and these are just some of the biggest missteps we think Kevin Feige and company have made with the Marvel Cinematic Universe over the years. Check them out ...
Sony wants Spider-Man 4 to follow a team-up format like Deadpool & Wolverine, but it might not work due to differing character dynamics. Spider-Man's sympathetic, underdog nature may not translate ...