Detailed map of dust in Milky Way

Andromeda XXXV is only about 20,000 times more massive than our Sun—very small, even for a satellite galaxy. For comparison, ...
Millions of years ago, our Solar System traveled through a densely populated galactic region and was exposed to increased interstellar dust.
Milky Way photography can yield some stunning shots from here on Earth. But what if you had a vantage point at some 400km ...
One researcher’s analysis of Webb Space Telescope images could indicate that we’re all stuck in a black hole, according to ...
The Large Magellanic Cloud is a dwarf galaxy residing near our Milky Way, visible to the naked eye as a luminous patch of ...
At least two mass extinction events in Earth's history were likely caused by the "devastating" effects of nearby supernova ...
Astronomers discover an 850,000 light-year-long cosmic filament in the early universe, providing insights into large-scale ...