Connecting the controller to a PC over WiFi is only half the battle, though. Initial information from the Wii U launch suggested Nintendo used Miracast for all the I/O between the controller and ...
While the Wii U may have been somewhat of a flop, gamers might be excited to learn that they can use the GamePad to play video games on PC. Begin by turning your PC into a web server. Go to the ...
There are reports that some Nintendo Wii U systems out in the wild are falling victim to mysterious failures. As is so often the case, certain error codes have been ...
Developed by the talented team at Broken Rules, Chasing Aurora was also a launch title on the Wii U — if you're seeking some extra nostalgia. With a beautiful art-style, this game was all about ...
The final countdown is over, unfortunately — the Wii U eShop closed for new purchases on Monday 27th March 2023. While many are rightly lamenting the upcoming death of the 3DS eShop, we feel ...