A Bag of Holding Full of Dungeons & Dragons Memes for Dice-Rolling Adventurers 5 ...
This orange cat in our next viral story was rescued because a few girls on the highway saw a cat carrier on the side of the road– with him locked inside .
We did a lot of things "for the last time" without even realizing it. We had our last visit to Blockbuster , picked our last ...
You need to get the couple a gift that's sufficiently expensive so that they can set up their lives. You cannot get too drunk ...
"Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis The memelord? I thought not. It's not a story the Jedi would tell you. he's ...
Guy Who Doesn’t Like Cats Gets Adopted by 3 Adorable Kittens and Their Momma and Completely Falls in Love (Video) 1 ...
Welcome back ladies and gentlemen of the internet. We live in an era where children see far too many things at far too young ...
If you don't try to push the limits, you'll never know what you can get away with. That's apparently what these employees thought before they shrugged their shoulders and did some absolutely crazy ...
Because Maine Coon cats are the same as cats but bigger. And yeah, yeah, sure, they come with a whole set of rules and ...
These people have quit their jobs… and they have some really good reasons for that big decision! Up next, read about the ...
But ultimately, every metalhead is a softie at heart. We may scream about our thirst for blood, the rot of society, and the cancerous toll of partying, but think about it, have you ever met a metal ...
Wallace and Gromit is also one of those pieces of children's media that was way scarier than it needed to be. I remember that evil penguin striking the utmost fear into my little heart. It probably ...