At this year's VMX/blendVET Event, the Believe & Belong program offers returning students hands-on experience with horses.
Commonsense management measures can help keep arthritic horses comfortable and sound even in the coldest weather.
Here’s how to decipher the acronyms that indicate how horse shoers in the United States are trained and certified.
As heartbreaking reports emerge about the wildfires in Southern California, equine organizations are rising to the occasion and offering help. One of them is The Foundation for the Horse, a 501(c)(3) ...
From this collected data, the researchers determined that tumors excised six or more years after discovery tended to be ...
The AHC requests a 60-day postponement of enforcement except for bans of devices on Tennessee Walking Horses and racking horses.
You’ve had horses long enough to know how to play it safe. You wear boots around the barn and would never consider putting your horse in a trailer with a questionable floor. But there are some safety ...
WASHINGTON, April 29, 2024—In an effort to end horse soring at Tennessee Walking Horse shows, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) has ...
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