A new service providing foldaway bikes to rent for local people and commuters has been launched at Sheriffhall.
A restaurant bid to build a customer car park on open land across the road has been approved after it claimed double yellow ...
An Edinburgh museum is facing months of closure as the city’s cash-strapped council looks to take “urgent action” to cut ...
Work to restore the iconic timber groynes on Portobello beach has been completed by the City of Edinburgh Council.
“Councillor Hampshire has been supporting the skateboarding group named ‘Space Dunbar’ to help develop their plans for the ...
The Forth Road Bridge Doors Open Day is set to take place for the third year in succession on Saturday 28 September.
Action Scottish Borders Council is taking to protect the public purse from fraud and error came under the spotlight this week ...
Midlothian Third Sector Interface have announced funding for community groups and voluntary organisations in Midlothian.
Used up to the 1980s, the cheap, bubbly material has a lifespan of around 30 years and is now liable to suddenly collapsing.
Bid to put solar panels on its roof is set to be rejected over concerns about their impact on the listed building.
Former Scotland rugby international Alasdair Dickinson has won his fight to live on farm land in Midlothian after councillors ...
Cllr Dianne Alexander, Cabinet Member for Community Facilities, Climate Change and the Environment, said: “Midlothian Council ...