The church is supernatural and functions in the miraculous. Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to ...
RESOURCE constraints are limiting HIV intervention programmes in Muzarabani, Mashonaland Central province, particularly in ...
Zimbabwe has labour laws and it signed the International Labour Organization Convention 176 on Safety and Health in Mines.
FC PLATINUM coach Norman Mapeza is unhappy with his side’s astonishing loss of form, but is confident that they can turn ...
MUMBAI — The Ministry of Tourism and Hospitality Industry of INdia, in collaboration with the Zimbabwe Tourism Authority, ...
Clearly, AI technologies have outpaced governmental oversight or regulation and the more the delays, the more the risk of ...
The collaboration among diverse stakeholders reaffirmed the notion that access to safe abortion is not only a medical ...
PARLIAMENTARIANS this week grilled Health and Child Care deputy minister Sleiman Timios Kwidini over the government’s slow ...
Mnangagwa’s statement will be delivered by Foreign Affairs and International Trade minister Felix Shava, who is already in ...
A POTENTIALLY disastrous situation is unfolding in Harare’s Warren Park area, where Harare City Council (HCC) is pushing ...
In 1999, Amy and Randy co-founded an organization of their own to continue teaching music from the African diaspora. They called it Kutandara, a Zimbabwe term meaning “to come together and have fun”.
The event will take place at Harare Gardens on the second day of the fiesta scheduled for September 26-28, under the theme ...