the back of the eye • Transparent light path • Includes structures that bend light (refract) • Converts light energy into action potentials transmitted tobrain. Key Eye Functions
Ocular Anatomy and Physiology Introduction By the end of this chapter you will be expected to possess knowledge and understanding: • Of the gross anatomy of the human eye • Of the physiology of the human eye (how the structures function) • Of the relation to the eyes and function of extraocular structures • Of the function of tears
There are two main refractive bodies in the human eye... Why anatomy is important! 1. Epidermis –Skin - thinnest layer . 2. Subcutaneous connective tissue. 3. Striated Muscle. 4. Sub-muscular cone Active tissue. 5. Tarsal plate or fibrous layer –. 6. Smooth muscle. 7. Conjunctiva (Bulbar/Palpebral)
THE EYE •The adult human eye averages 24 mm in diameter (at birth it is 16 mm) •The globe has 3 membrane: –anterior (cornea and sclerotic); –medial (uveal tract); –posterior (retina).
Here are descriptions of some of the main parts of the eye: Cornea: The cornea is the clear outer part of the eye’s focusing system located at the front of the eye. Iris: The iris is the colored part of the eye that regulates the amount of light entering the eye. Lens: The lens is a clear part of the eye behind the iris that helps to
BLOOD- OCULAR BARRIER •Produced by endothelium of capillaries of retina, iris and ciliary body •Prevents systemic drug absorption by the eye •Makes medicating eyes with systemic medications difficult: most of the time ocular meds more appropriate. •Some drugs might break down or bypass blood- ocular barrier TUNICA INTERNA BULBI
The eye is embryologically an extension of the central nervous system. It shares many common anatomical and physiological proper-ties with the brain. Both are protected by bony walls, have firm fibrous coverings and a dual blood supply to the essential nervous layer in the retina. The eye and brain have internal cav-
Jan 1, 2007 · This chapter will review the ocular surface anatomy and physiology and discuss their impact on ophthalmic product development. The structure and function of the tear film, eyelids, and ...
The eye is embryologically an extension of the central nervous system. It shares many common anatomical and physiological properties with the brain. Both are protected by bony walls, have firm fibrous coverings and a dual blood supply to the essential nervous layer in the retina. The eye and brain have internal cavities perfused by fluids of
Here are descriptions of some of the main parts of the eye: Cornea: The cornea is the clear outer part of the eye’s focusing . system located at the front of the eye. Iris: The iris is the colored part of the eye that regulates the . amount of light entering the eye. Lens: The lens is a clear part of the eye behind the iris that helps