Easy to Learn, Fun to Play! Begin your Pokémon Trading Card Game adventure with Pokémon TCG Battle Academy. This all-in-one collection has everything you need to get started playing, including three complete Pokémon TCG decks and easy-to-follow instructions.
When you play your Pokémon before the game begins, put them face down so your opponent doesn’t know what they are. After both players have set aside their Prize cards, everyone turns their Active and Benched Pokémon face up. Before the Game Begins Pokémon Abilities Some Pokémon have special Abilities they can use.
Many kids simply love to collect—whether it’s trading for cards of their favorite Pokémon, completing a Pokédex in the Pokémon video games, watching the Pokémon animated series, or bringing Pokémon plush home. Collecting opens up many ways for …
The Pokémon Company International (TPCi) tiene como misión deleitar a los fans de todas las edades con productos excelentes y valiosas experiencias en un ambiente seguro. https://parents.pokemon.com/es-es/